Day 74: Busy/stressful week, but fevers appear to be gone. 

It has been a while since we posted, and a busy week since we got out of the hospital. As you recall we got out of the hospital the Thursday before last because Idan went 48 hours with no fever. The day we were discharged though, his ANC was very low (in the 400’s, but it should be over 1000) and he needed a GCSF infusion to stimulate the neutrophils growth before they let us go home. The next few days were very stressful as Idan kept running warm at night before he went to bed, and we thought we would have to get admitted again. His temperatures flirted with but never quite reached the level of readmission. With the doctors’ permission, and to reduce our own stress levels, we started to wait until he was asleep to take his temperature, since they always went down once he was settled in bed. His temperature seems to be back to normal now, but we do not know what caused the fevers in the first place.

This past week was also a very busy week as we began our “Day 80” evaluations tests. This work-up is essentially a repeat of all the pre-transplant tests we did, and the purpose is to get a status report of Idan’s overall health at approximately 80 days post-transplant. On Thursday at clinic his ANC had dropped below 1000 again and they had us come in again today to recheck his ANC to make sure he did not need another GCSF shot. Luckily it was back up above 1000 so we will check it again on Monday. Still since something strange might be going on in his marrow, and in order to rule out issues we decided to move up his bone marrow aspiration and biopsy procedure (part of the Day 80 evaluation) that was scheduled for next Friday to this Tuesday. This will give us a better idea of what is going on both with his ANC and his temperatures.
Still, despite the 5 day hospital stay and the many appointments we have had, Idan has been feeling well and enjoyed the long visit he had with his grandparents. He got to enjoy many adventures between and after appointments and a lot of play time with them. He is looking forward to to his aunt (Doda Chana) visiting next weekend, and for another visit of Amanda’s sisters the weekend after.

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