Day 8: Hairs on the pillow.

Idan spent most of the day yesterday in bed either sleeping or watching Peppa Pig. His pain finally under control, he has begun to feel the sheer exhaustion that comes with a stem cell transplant. So are we. The three of us are all starting to feel the weight of all that we have been through, and living in a hospital room for over two weeks (with at least another two weeks to go) will wear just about anyone down. So we all took a break. 

In the morning Idan received a visit from the music therapist and had a great time banging on the drums, and in the late afternoon, after a day of rest, he had a small burst of energy and danced around catching bubbles. He was happy she finally learned his favorite song (Seven Years by Lukas Graham). Thankful for the even the brief moments where he can just be a kid!

When we peeked over at Idan during his tv break, his little eyes were red from rubbing them. Sure enough, there were little hairs scattered on his pillow, softly falling all over his face. Two weeks of pain and sickness notwithstanding, these hairs are a very real reminder of what Idan has been through, what he has lost, and the hope of tomorrow. Just like his hair, his beautiful soft golden brown curly hair that is falling out as we speak, his emptied bone marrow will grow back. With luck, it will grow into a thriving and healthy immune system.

1 comment for “Day 8: Hairs on the pillow.

  1. Linda Wachtel
    July 28, 2016 at 6:29 pm

    I remember well the agonizing feeling of hair being so symbolic of health and loss as it falls out….Idans resilience continues to be remarkable as is yours… Wishing you continued, strength, endurance, courage and lots of love. ❤️❌⭕️❌⭕️ One day at a time…

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