
This post is for the generous folks who have donated their time, resources, meals, toys and household goods to our family over the past few weeks. We cannot thank you enough for opening up your arms, homes and hearts to us, all over again. Three years ago, when we first made our journey to Seattle, we knew very few people. We had been fortunate to have found Margot, Amy, and Elaine and Michael, who then connected us to their community, which, as it turns out, is filled with wonderful people just like them. When we arrived again for Idan’s second transplant, this incredible community already had collected and organized everything we might need in our new home. From sheet, towels, household appliances, and dishes to toys, gift cards, a minivan to use and hot meals multiple times a week, we are so incredibly thankful to all of you. You have not only made us feel welcome, you have made us feel HOME. It is a true gift to be given the mental and emotional space to focus on the enormous medical decisions and challenges that lie ahead. We have often spoken of Idan’s journey as being supported by an army of people who have given us all strength along the way. If idan has an army behind him, Seattle is his base right now. Thank you for making it feel like home.

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