Day -3: New Mantra => One more good day = One less bad day.

Day -3Anyone who knows me knows that I am a highly rational person.  Learning how things work, understanding processes, problem solving; these are my coping mechanisms.  But there’s a small part of me (inside all of us perhaps) that still believes – or is afraid not to believe – in jinxes, bad luck, superstition, and all that jazz.  The part of me that waits for the other shoe to drop.  I’ll give you an example.  One day, on my way home from work about seven months ago, I stepped off the subway and saw the sunset straight ahead.  In that moment (and I remember it clearly), I felt like I was the luckiest woman in the world.  I was enjoying my work and planning a huge event for the women’s group about issues immensely important to me and my female colleagues.  Better yet, I got to return home every night to my beautiful baby boy and darling husband who I love with all my heart.  But in the midst of that thought, before I even had time to enjoy it, I gulped and feared when the other shoe would drop.  And in April, only a couple weeks later, my beautiful baby boy was rushed to the hospital, and so began our journey.  I have thought back to that moment, where I thought I had it all, many many times since then.  Did I jinx myself by being happy and believing us to have it all?

Last night, my father said something to me that changed my entire perspective.  Idan has been feeling very well compared to your average chemo patient.  He has been energetic and happy, drawing with crayons for the first time, decorating his crib with stickers (really, I kid you not), and giggling like a maniac when we act silly with him.  And last night, I felt that fear again – when is the other shoe going to drop?  But, as though reading my mind, my father said to me, “I am so glad Idan has been through four days of chemo, and is still feeling great.  Every day he feels good is one day less that he has to suffer from all this.”  And suddenly it all clicked.  Every day he feels well is a blessing, no matter what tomorrow brings.  

And of course, last night Idan did have a terrible night, inconsolably crying, and barely getting any sleep.  He received his first dose of morphine to help with pain.  But I for one am feeling thankful that it took this long, and glad that no matter what tomorrow brings, Idan had at least four less days of feeling bad.

10 comments for “Day -3: New Mantra => One more good day = One less bad day.

  1. Michal
    October 20, 2013 at 9:01 am

    Even if you believe in jinxes, etc., your family has had enough adversity to deserve a whole lifetime of happiness. Your positive attitudes are so inspiring. Idan truly is a hero and you are wonderful parents.

      October 20, 2013 at 8:34 pm

      Thank you, Michal. I sincerely hope you’re right!

  2. Sharon
    October 20, 2013 at 10:37 am

    You are an incredibly brave Mama! Hoping today is a good one! ❤️

      October 20, 2013 at 8:35 pm

      Thanks, Sharon =)

  3. Karen Ehrlich Gantt
    October 20, 2013 at 11:16 am

    So well written-the fear that always lurk just under the surface. The first of many difficult times I have been through, my very wise midwife said to me (in effect) let’s not worry about something until we have to. If we have to, we’ll deal with it then. Stay strong.

      October 20, 2013 at 8:38 pm

      Very wise indeed.

  4. Linda Wachtel
    October 20, 2013 at 8:16 pm

    Your dad is a wise man… Those of us who can capture the essence of blessings in the midst of our hardest days find true meaning in our lives. It is so much richer to go through life feeling thankful and blessed… You are blessed Amanda and Akiva by many things, yr love for each other, your loving family, Idan’s army, choices in medical care and the ability to find the tools of access and most importantly…. You are blessed to have beautiful Idan who is taking you on an unexpected journey but one that is full of riches…

      October 20, 2013 at 8:37 pm

      It’s true. Despite it all, there are many moments when I feel incredibly lucky and blessed for all the reasons you noted above.

  5. Linda Wachtel
    October 20, 2013 at 8:57 pm

    I also had moments like you describe of feeling a sense of peacefulness, good fortune and a premonition perhaps…I think what you describe about waiting for the next shoe to drop is something that many of us feel… Stay strong… A mom who I’ve known for years from Cbtf once said to me very wisely, that once your child is diagnosed you always sleep with one eye open…I think that’s very true…

  6. Nizan
    October 20, 2013 at 10:36 pm

    Amanda, hang in there! like the wise ladies above me said you have so many good things going on for you, and you are also paying your jinxes “dues” and soon enough it will only be about the blessings. love you guys and cant wait to share all the blessings. the three of you are amazing. xoxo

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