Day 5: Pain (somewhat) under control, but new meds bring new side effects.

13669770_1336467653049865_8170639665652922012_nWe have started Idan on a regular dose of dilaudid to keep him more comfortable. It is always hard to know if a young child is in pain, and this is especially true with Idan, who played and smiled even when he was on a ventilator three years ago. This remains true today. He plays and insists on playing even though his blood pressure is elevated and he is grunting with every breath. He screams when using or about to use the bathroom, and writhes in bed with itchiness from his rash, but if you ask him if it hurts anywhere, he will insist he is fine. He is easily frustrated, very restless, and quite moody. But ten minutes after the dilaudid kicks in, he is breathing easy and having fun. So after a consultation with his team, we’ve decided to give him pain meds regularly instead of as needed. Unfortunately, the increase in pain meds comes with the added side effects of making him more agitated, itchy and tired. Worth the pain relief, but makes for an exhausting day for all of us. In the meantime, his team is working on finding just the right cocktail that keeps him comfortable in all respects.

Speaking of cocktails, during rounds today Idan bravely decided to tell the attending (who happens to also be the head of the bone marrow transplant division) that he does not like the taste of several of his oral medications. He went on to pronounce perfectly the ones he does not like: fluconozole, ursodial, and acyclovir. To his delight (and ours), the attending said we can switch his fluconozole to IV for now, thereby eliminating one of his most dreaded oral meds. Very proud of our 4 yr old for speaking up and for getting his team to change his medical plan.

When all is said and done, we are counting our blessings. The doctors are very happy with his progress and are doing everything they can to help us manage the side effects. Our very good friend Ashley is visiting from New York and has managed to keep him entertained all day. So grateful to all of our family, friends and all of you who have been supporting us along the way.

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