Three’s A Charm

Three’s a Charm.
Something my mother always says – “good things happen in three’s.” Let’s hope that good things happen for three year olds too. Idan is turning three on Monday. It’s hard to believe only three years have passed since he came into our lives, and yet – as I believe it to be the case for most parents – the moment is seared into my memory like none other.

First, let me dispel you of the notion that you “forget” labor pains – you don’t. They’re real and they are relentless. But after spending nearly ten months carrying a precious life inside you, the pain is a small sacrifice to hold that bundle in your arms. I remember looking over at Akiva just a few seconds before Idan made his debut, and seeing his face slowly light up and his eyes widen as he saw Idan’s head. Within moments, my whale of a belly was deflated, and the weight was transferred into my arms. Eight pounds, five ounces. All of them, suddenly in my arms. His beautiful face, two eyes, ten fingers, ten toes, little chubby arms, and a tiny voice crying out, demanding to be heard. He felt heavier than I expected. Solid. Real.

I remember staring into his tiny face, watching his eyes open and close, feeling tiny breaths on my shoulder. He was small, but powerful. Within 48 hours of being born, he was already playful. Akiva and I fell deeply in love. There is nothing quite like the love you have for your child.  

Idan is not your average three year old. He’s had more “life experiences” than most people have in a lifetime. He’s known pain and fear intimately. Yet he’s resilient. He’s fearless, and he’s funny. He’s cute and silly and playful and loving and thoughtful and inquisitive.   

 This year is a big year, again. This year, Idan will likely once again be asked to trust us, to allow us to lead the way. He’s no longer a baby, but he’s still the same child that was thrust into my arms three years ago. Solid. Real.  

Happy Birthday Idani. Just like the labor pains, we won’t be able to forget the painful memories, but we are mindful of the important role they have played in shaping you into the incredible child you are today. You – three-year old beautiful special you – have arrived, and, with your tiny voice crying out (well, mostly singing these days), you still demand to be heard.  

1 comment for “Three’s A Charm

  1. Becky Peterson
    July 19, 2015 at 8:14 pm

    Praying for the “Happiest of Birthdays” to YOU, Sweet Idan! Sending Love & Hugs!

    Becky P.

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